
  • Cancer Support Group on Zoom - Monthly

If any of our members has had, or currently has, cancer, we offer a complete caring and safe environment in which to share issues in total confidence with people who understand what you are going through. 

  • Carers' Support Group 

Sometimes the role of carer is overwhelming. It can be isolating and challenging, and it can be difficult to admit this to ourselves and to others. The sharing of experiences with others in the same position may enhance our ability to cope, and can make a tangible difference. Through this group, you will receive valuable advice and useful information, not to mention a safe place where you can socialise with others who often are struggling with the same kind of issues and who understand the challenges facing you.  

  • Wellbeing@W1 Café - Monthly

The Wellbeing@W1 Café allows members to learn from others with experience of mental health challenges in a supportive environment.

Light refreshments from 18.30 | Donations of £5

RSVP is required - Sha LeWilante, 020 7535 0290.